wire & Tube China / Thermprocess China 2024Products & Services Digital Hand-Held Tension Meter Series DT
Digital Hand-Held Tension Meter Series DT
Hans Schmidt & Co GmbH
Series DT
Tension meter with various helpful functions for detailed data recording and analyse - Professional Instrument !
12 Tension ranges available
from 1 - 200 cN up to 0.6 - 60 daN
Applications in wire industry copper wire 0.05 up to 3.0 Ø mm and other materials
Digital handheld tension meter with many functions as rotaig display, thickness compesation of the wire, adjustable by the operator
2 models are available
basicc instrument for easy use
professional instrument with memory and USB out put
A wide range of different models with different guide rollrs and ranges are availablel
Digital Hand-Held Tension Meter DTX